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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday 3/20/12

In Class:
- Vocabulary Review
- Video Notes Review
- Haseeb buying out all periods.
- Supreme Council Meeting tomorrow!
- Nominations for Jaclyn's replacement as Supreme Council member!
- Please bring in a red shirt for the P-Olympics and give it to Zoie or Sara
- Finish Chinese Revolution packet (due Wednesday!)
- S T U D Y for the Vocab Game & Chinese Revolution Mini Exam/Quiz (mainly on the Timeline & Student Video)
Test/Quiz/Vocab Game: 
- Wednesday: China Mini Exam
- Wednesday: RR & CR Vocab Game
Noteworthy Lesson:
- "Isn't P-Ville a democracy?" - Rachel Lee (asked during announcement of Haseeb's take over. lots of other questions too!)
- The U.S. Federal Reseve Bank = Secret to regular citizens. (Mr. P's response & extra tidbit when Harry (?) asked why we should trust Chuck's assurance that Haseeb is not a fraud)
- How does your childhood affect you as an adult? Stalin, Mao, Napoleon had pretty bad childhoods, they became dictators who  mass murdered millions of people.
- When leaders ask for your opinion, are they trying to discover their enemies, or are they really interested in your thoughts? When do you shut up, and when do you speak up?