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Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday 3/19/12

In Class:
- Finished Assign. 9 (Timeline of Modern China & Chinese Revolution Review)
- Our stock went up a little!
- P Cinema on Tuesday (Stalin, the Myth)
- Financial Sheets will be returned Tuesday (for sure!)
- Please bring in a red shirt for the P-Olympics and give it to Zoie or Sara
- Assign 10 (Mao Tse Tung - China's Peasant Emperor: Video Notes)

- Chinese Revolution Packets due Wednesday (Don't need Table of Contents)
Test/Quiz/Vocab Game: 
- Chinese Revolution Quiz on Wednesday, March 21
- Vocab Game on Russian & Chinese Revolution on Wednesday, March 21
Noteworthy Lesson:
- Pretty much all revolutions are the same, or similar. History repeats itself. You can predict the future!