Essay due Friday:
2) Freestyle Paper
All students must do (required)
DUE – Friday, March 16
Students will type a 1 page paper on the following topics:
a) Should 15 yr olds know about Stalin?
Explain & justify your opinion using vocab words.
b) Is Totalitarianism alive today or a thing of the past? Provide evidence to back your claim
c) What should a 15 year old in 2011 know & understand about Revolutions (Russian)? Write as if you are writing a warning essay to 15 yr olds in the future.
d) What is the ideal society?
e) Why do people revolt?
f) How do revolutionary ideals change over time? Explain.
g) Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
1st place = 200 P-ville Points 2nd place = 100 P-ville Points
Mr. P’s essay rules apply.